In the next videos, Gianosvaldo Fadin, Chairman of the Technical Committee 9 at the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), will lead us into the world of standardisation for the railway systems.
Fadin is an electronic engineer. He started working in the railway sector after a long-time experience as a designer of gas chromatography instruments and satellite equipment. Since 1990, he is involved in standardisation at the international level. For the IEC, he worked as a leader or expert of several Working Groups. Since April 2016, he is the Chairman of the IEC TC9 on “Electrical equipment and systems for railways”. #MyRailS #INRIM
Read more about Gianosvaldo Fadin:
He contributed to the preparation of the Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI) of the European Railway Agency (ERA).
In 2007, IEC granted him the IEC 1906 Award for his contribution to IEC TC9 in the development of the Train Communication Network (TCN) set of standards over more than 15 years, through the role of expert and subsequently as a project leader.
Since January 2011, he is a member of the Working Group set up by the Italian Ministry of Transportation to provide guidelines for the exploitation of the tram-train system in Italy.
In 2016, CEI – Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano granted him the Giorgi Prize for his contribution to the development of standardisation and the promotion of CEI image in the world.
From 2012 to 2016, he was Chairman of the CEI CT9, the Italian National Committee responsible for the standardisation of the railway system.
#01: In this first video, Gianosvaldo Fadin is giving details about the international and national standardisation bodies, when they were born, their history and the essential role they play in defining state of the art in the different sectors.
#02: In this video, Gianosvaldo Fadin is going to explain why the Technical Committee 9 was founded, what are its tasks, also making the point about its most recent activities.
#03: Drafting a new standard is a reasonably complex process. Gianosvaldo Fadin is going to illustrate all the different steps needed to obtain a consensus and how important it is to get it.